Fueron capturados los responsables del robo a Gran Estación, que venía azotando a varias localidades. En la última semana se han desarticulado por completo ocho bandas criminales.
Así lo informaron la Alcaldesa Mayor Claudia López y el General Óscar Gómez Heredia, Carmen Torres, Fiscal delegada de la Seccional Bogotá y Hugo Acero Secretario de Seguridad y Convivencia. En menos de 2 semanas en un operativo de inteligencia entre Policía y Fiscalía dieron con los responsables del robo en el centro comercial Gran Estación. El operativo se realizó desarrollando el nuevo modelo que permite fortalecer la investigación criminal para intervenir estas bandas que incurren en robos y homicidios.
“En un tiempo record logramos identificar esta estructura delincuencial. A partir de este momento se desplegó un barrido de 353 cámaras con análisis de video de 120 horas que evidenció el recorrido de los delincuentes hasta el barrio Perdomo. Se identificaron vehículos que participaron en el hecho; se hicieron análisis morfológicos, retratos, interceptación de llamadas, entrevistas, se identificaron los miembros de la estructura criminal. Recolectado el material probatorio se dio la orden de captura, se hizo allanamientos y fueron capturadas estas personas que son reconocidos en el mundo criminal por homicidio, hurto, concierto para delinquir”.
Según Carmen Torres, Fiscal Delegada, han sido impactadas 75 organizaciones en Bogotá, y a nivel nacional, 337.
Finalmente, la Alcaldesa aseguró: “En lo corrido del año completamos ocho bandas desarticuladas. No vamos a permitir que duerma tranquilo un solo delincuente. Los hurtos en Bogotá van bajando excepto las de bicicleta, en lo que estamos haciendo un gran esfuerzo. Igualmente, todo ciudadano venezolano que incurra en delito está siendo deportado”.
New blow to crime in Bogotá
Those responsible for the robbery of the Great Station, which had been hitting various towns, were captured. Eight criminal gangs have been completely disbanded in the past week.
This was reported by Mayor Mayoress Claudia López and General Óscar Gómez Heredia, Carmen Torres, Delegate Prosecutor of the Bogotá Branch and Hugo Acero, Secretary of Security and Coexistence. In less than 2 weeks, an intelligence operation between the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office found those responsible for the robbery at the Gran Estación shopping center. The operation was carried out developing the new model that allows strengthening the criminal investigation to intervene these gangs that incur in robberies and homicides.
“In record time we managed to identify this criminal structure. From this moment on, a sweep of 353 cameras with 120-hour video analysis was deployed, showing the criminals’ journey to the Perdomo neighborhood. Vehicles that participated in the event were identified; Morphological analyzes, portraits, interception of calls, interviews were made, members of the criminal structure were identified. Once the evidentiary material was collected, the arrest warrant was issued, searches were made and these people who are recognized in the criminal world for homicide, theft, conspiracy to commit crimes were captured. ”
According to Carmen Torres, Deputy Prosecutor, 75 organizations have been impacted in Bogotá, and 337 at the national level.
Finally, the Mayor assured: “So far this year we have completed eight disjointed bands. We are not going to allow a single criminal to sleep peacefully. Thefts in Bogotá are decreasing except for the bicycle, in which we are making a great effort. Likewise, every Venezuelan citizen who commits a crime is being deported. ”
The Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office, give a positive part in the capture of those responsible for the assault on a jewelry store in the Gran Estación Shopping Center.
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