Gustavo Petro Urrego President of Colombia
«Climate justice and social justice are the foundations for Colombia to be a world power of life,» said President Gustavo Petro in the balance of the Government of Change.
The Head of State presented 50 milestones achieved during this first stage of Government.
«We proposed and we propose that this government be militant for life,» he assured.
Sxxi.net-OP-PC. With the presence of the cabinet, the President of the Republic of Colombia, Gustavo Petro Urrego, presented this November 15, 2022, the balance of the first 100 days of the Government of Change, ratifying that the central objective is to convert Colombia in the world power of life.
The Head of State explained that to achieve this purpose we must work on two components: environmental justice and social justice.
“We proposed and we propose that this Government be a militant Government of life in its two aspects: natural life for which we proposed a set of measures that have to do with climate justice, some national struggles, and other global struggles; also a block of public policies that have to do with human life in Colombia. Climate justice and social justice are the bases to make Colombia a world power of life. That is the government program ”, he explained.
The President listed and exposed the fifty milestones of the Government of Change during these first hundred days of management.
1. «We took out the sword of Bolívar and started the Government of Change,» said the President.
2. Protection of the Amazon with a public policy that begins next year. 200 million of dollards will be invested each year, for 20 years, which will go to a fund that guarantees future validity that will pay peasants and indigenous people for environmental services.
3. More than 34 Regional Dialogues have been held throughout Colombia. The territory was divided into 50 zones and 16 meetings are missing.
4. The Agrarian Reform began, with the identification of the map of the fertile lands of Colombia, from 15 to 20 million hectares.
5. Agreement with the holders, holders and owners of land. Through Fedegan’s union, an agreement was reached to buy three million hectares, the most fertile, to deliver them to the peasants. That is the agrarian reform and the first point of the peace agreements with the Farc.
6. We presented to the Congress of the Republic the project to create the Ministry of Equality, which is being discussed.
7. Indigenous people, Afro-descendants, youth, among others, are part of this government. The same phenomenon is experienced in the Ministries and other institutions of the country.
8.We started the housing improvement program, with an initial objective of 18,000 improvements. The goal is to have 100,000 per year, through a different housing policy.
9. We also started the preventive health program. Today a thousand health teams made up of doctors, psychologists, and nurses travel the country. The idea of this government is to increase the number to 200,000.
10. Homicides dropped in the first 100 days of our government. At this moment we have a reduction of 4%, still insufficient. With this point the policy of Total Peace will be measured.
11. The Total Peace Law we proposed was approved.. One of the main laws with which we will have the legal instruments to open negotiation processes. Some of a political nature, as in the case of the ELN, others of a legal nature, such as the admission to justice of gangs and organizations without political origin in Colombia.
12. The Tax Reform was approved, the second fundamental law, which seeks to move towards production and decarbonization, resources that will finance climate justice and social justice. Without this Tax Reform we would not have these resources.
13. We received twelve helicopters from the United States that we will not use for war, but to take care of the Amazon jungle.
14. We proposed to COP 27, at the NU, to exchange external debt for climate action throughout the world. A reform of the global financial system in multilateral banking is needed to secure budgets for climate action to repair the damage and prepare countries to withstand the worst consequences of the climate crisis.
15. In New York, at the NU summit, we made a call for to decarbonization of the economy, to reform the fight against drugs and to build peace.
16. The Government of Change intends to take a substantial step in free higher education in Colombia.
17. The Escazú Agreement was approved in this mandate, which will be a fundamental law, because it empowers citizens to be informed, participate, and protect the lives of environmental leaders who work to prevent damage to the environment in the country.
18. We reestablished relations with Venezuela, an action that allows the recovery of the border and improves the quality of life of emigrants in both countries.
19. We began the delivery of $500,000 Colombian pesos per month to mothers who are heads of households who have children under 18 years of age, to lift them out of extreme poverty. This program breaks the assistance policy of previous governments that limited themselves to giving alms.
20. Our anti-drug policy is going to change. In this government we are not going to fumigate the peasant family with poison; we are not going to imprison the young consumer either; we are going to affect the businessmen of the mafia. At the moment, 20 tons of cocaine have been seized.
21. In this Government, Indumil is not going to make weapons, it is going to manufacture metallic military bridges to face the isolation of many regions of Colombia, due to the winter.
22. Our Government issued the Policy of Attention to the Climate Crisis declaring calamity due to the floods, which allows prioritizing attention to hunger, and contemplates the temporary or permanent relocation of the affected people.
23. We forgive the debt of more than 4.000 Icetex debtors.
24. We extend the PAE (School Feeding Program) in climate crisis areas to 100%, until December 31 of this year in such a way that it covers the vacation period.
25. 180 Unified Command Posts have been installed in the country since August 7, most of them, to address the climate crisis.
26. The Sociedad de Activos Especiales delivered 600 hectares to 50 peasant families, including a farm owned by the extinct paramilitary boss, Carlos Castaño.
27. 80.000 hectares were legalized in this government, due to the massive titling of properties, and the first two peasant reserve zones were established, in which 74.000 hectares will be delivered in Meta and Cundinamarca.
28. We managed to add $1.3 billion pesos to the general budget of the Nation that will be allocated to education in the year 2023.
29. This Government launched the water program in La Guajira, which consists of recovering all the existing drinking water infrastructure. More than 500 infrastructures have already been identified that will be put into operation again.
30. The visa for Colombians entering the UK was removed.
31. We resume the dialogues with the ELN.
32. Through Finagro, more than 120 thousand loans were granted to small producers for a value of $744.000 million Colombian pesos, with emphasis on food production in Colombia.
33. Through Finagro, 31.586 new loans were granted to women for a value of $354.000 million Colombian pesos.
34. We presented to the Congress of the Republic the project aimed at prohibiting fracking in Colombia.
35. We managed to reduce —although it is still insufficient— energy rates throughout the country, due to the agreement reached by the Ministry of Mines.
36. The peasant population will be recognized as a subject of rights, with a project that is being processed in the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, at the initiative of this government.
37. The community actions of the women’s, committees of the neighborhoods and the neighborhood committees of the villages of Colombia were called by this Government to be the fundamental axis of the fight against hunger.
38. We got a budget to increase 5% of the monthly salary for all soldiers in the country.
39. At the end of January the presidents of the Amazon basin, including the presidents of France, Suriname, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil, will meet to advance the Colombian initiative to revitalize the Amazon.
40. The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense of Colombia will design and implement an emergency plan to protect the lives of social leaders.
41. We presented The Agrarian Jurisdiction project to the Colombian Congress, which will be the judicial instance that would allow us to reestablish rights for peasants in Colombia.
42. This Administration will eliminate positions called presidential advisorships
43. We believe that Human security will be measured in lives, not deaths.
44. More than ten groups outside the law are in a unilateral ceasefire at this moment, due to the management of this Government, we hope they are all; this is what we call total peace, which implies fundamental reforms in the structure of inequality in the territories and in Colombian society.
45. The budget for agricultural development was increased 100 percent, increasing the budget presented by the previous Government, going from $2 to $4 billion Colombian pesos.
46. We transformed the State Procurement Plan to contract directly with the Boards of the country’s neighborhoods and villages.
47. The Administrative Center of the National Government, La Casa de Nariño, was opened to everyone.
48. Patrolmen, policemen and soldiers will be able to study, as part of a flagship program of the Government of Change.
49. This Government will install working groups to determine the rate and reduction of the SOAT for motorcyclists (Insurance to ensure immediate and unconditional care for victims of traffic accidents).
50 «Change continues!» concluded President Gustavo Petro Urrego.
The Hundred Days were celebrated with a 10-episode documentary. Here the first:
Sxxi.net recognizes the value of the advances of the Government of President Gustavo Petro Urrego and his team of collaborators and invites them to continue working for the purpose of turning Colombia into a world power of life, of opportunities, of the fulfillment of the human rights, economic and social development and peace.
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